Alle innlegg av Bjørg Bjøberg

Adventvent med julebakst 1


Ja, vi elskerbjørgHo var ein institusjon rundt ikring på bygdene i gode gamle dagar. Vi hadde ei heime i Stavn… på 40- og 50-talet. Eg ser ho for meg, nabokona, ho Gunnhild frå Brendestugu. Tidleg om morgonen blei det fyrt opp i den store svarte eldhuskomfyren, og snart såg vi ho kome rundt svingen med veskene sine. Dei var mest som heilage,  kjevlene og bakstepinnane ho fann fram. Kor mykje eg verkeleg hugsar av dette, er eg ikkje viss på, men denne gode, varme stemningen, den sit spikra i hugen.
Ho hadde eit eige lag med leivane, frå dei var små runde bollar, til dei vart til tynne store runde leivar. Når ho breidde denne runde ‘pannekaka’ utover bakstehella, fyllte ho nett ut til kanten. Eg var like spent kvar gong, om ho skulle treffe! Ho hadde målet i minnet og handelaget frå mange års virke. Flatbrødstabelen ved enden av dagens dont, den hugsar eg. … og smaken…………..
Eg var ikkje spesielt glad i flatbrød! Men du verda for eit minne…

Det lyser i stille grender

Julesongar året rundt

småfugleneHøyrer du med til dei som gjerne kunne syngje julesongar heile året? Her finn du meg. Då eg var dirigent for Songlaget, hadde eg julesongane framme frå tidleg på hausten. Det murra nok litt hos medlemmene…. ‘me kan no dei frå før, folk vil helst høyre dei same gamle….’ Det hører med til ei anna historie korleis bassen og eg kom fram til semje…..
‘Det lyser i stille grender’ kom ut i 1931 i juleheftet ‘Jul i Sunnfjord’. Først i 1948 blei Jakob Sande sitt dikt levandegjort ved tonesetjinga til Lars Søraas. Eg hugsar far eller ‘Læraren’ lærde oss songen i skulen, og det var den første songen eg lærde meg andrestemme til. Songen har fylgt med meg frå min barndoms grend, Stavn i Flå. Nord i grenda låg den gamle garden Hefta, innunder grankledde høge nut. 
Songen frå vest og akvarellen frå garden i aust smeltar saman til eitt av mine kjæraste julekort.
Med fred
frå fjell
og stille skogar
kling juletonar
ved vintertid….

There is a shine over silent villages

Christmas carols year round

småfugleneDo you belong to those who gladly would sing Christmas carols all year? Here you find me. When I was a choir director for the local choir, I brought forth the music for our Christmas carols from early in the autumn. I heard som grumbling in the bass group …  ‘we know them from before, and people want to listen to the good oldies….’ It belongs to another story how we came to an agreement ….
‘Det lyser i stille grender’ (There is a shine over silent villages’ was written in 1931 by Jakob Sande, the West Norwegian poet. The song came alive in 1948 when the composer Lars Søraas gave it a wonderful melody. I remember my father ‘The village Teacher’ taught us this song i school, and it was the first song to which I found the ‘second melody’…. This song has followed me from my childhood ‘grend’ Stavn in Flå. Far north you find the old beautiful kept old traditional farm ‘Hefta’… underneath the tall spruce clad rocky hillside. 
The song from west and the watercolour painting with its motiv from the east melt together to one of my dearest Christmas cards…. vest og akvarellen frå garden i aust smeltar saman til eitt av mine kjæraste julekort.
With peace
from the mountain
and silent forests
Christmas tones
sound at winter tide……

Adventvent med Prøysen

Historien bak eit julekort

APRIL-2008(RGB) Julekveldsvisa har fylgt mange av oss frå vi var barn. Mine første år som akvarellmålar var vigd mykje til spesielle, helst gamle hus. Frå vandringar på Øyragata i Lærdal fekk eg hjartebank ved eitt hus. For meg blei det ‘Prøysen-huset’  langs Præstvegen på Ringsaker. Eit lite, raudmåla hus med venlege vindauge. Dette blei huset der a Jormormatja bur. Stjerna stod over hennar tak. Nabohuset fekk vere med, som ein slags kulisse på scenen. Det er kvitt og har tallause ruter i vindaugene. Oda og Bjørg Ellinor, to av mine barnebarn, går syngjande med julegåver til barnet. ‘Jordmormatjavegen’ akvarellen heite. Det blei til eit av mine tidlege julekort.
Ei tid seinare fekk eg vite at i det kvite huset budde Jormora i Lærdal og i den raude stova budde ‘badnajenta’ til Lindstrømfamilien….. 
Ja, det var fyrste gongen som julestjerna brann,
men sea har a brønni i alle verdens land,
og såmmå å som hende er stjerna like stor
– du ser a over taket der a Jordmor-Matja bor.

Advent waiting with the poet Prøysen

The history behind a Christmas card

APRIL-2008(RGB)‘Julekveldsvisa’ The carol of Christmas Eve’ has followed many of us since we were children. During my first years as a watercolour painter my motives were for a period special, old houses. From wanderings in the ‘old houses’ street ‘Øyragata’ in Lærdal, my heart felt for one particular house. It stood out as the poet Alf Prøysen’s house in his home village in Ringsaker in east Norway. A small, redpainted house with friendly windows. This house in my mind ‘became’ the house where ‘Matja the midwife’ lives. The Star shone on the roof of her house. The neighbour’s house were included, like a side scene. The house is white with innumerable small windows. Oda and Bjørg Ellinor, two of my grandchildren, are singing as they are walking with christmas presents to the child.  The title of the painting has always been ‘The Midwife Lane’. This was one of my earliest Christmas cards.
Some time later I got to know that in the white house actually the midwife of Lærdal and in the little red house lived the child minder of the Lindstrøm family (the hotel owner nearby)….. 
Yes, that was the first time the Christmas star shone,
and later it has been shining in all the countries of the world,
and whatever happens the star is as great as ever
– you’ll see her over the roof where Matja Midwife lives.

Adventvent saman med adelen…

Julesong på Helsetunet

Kort 2 Songlaget – i år som alle år – syng jula inn for dei gamle. Som vi stod der og song ‘Å, kom, la oss følge stjernen i det høye…’ undra eg meg over kven ‘dei gamle’ er? Eg talde elleve ‘gamle songlagssongarar’. Det er ikkje lenge sidan dei stod ved sida av meg i koret….vakre røyster og songen deira kom frå hjartet, frå songarglede.  No song dei i lag med oss og dei song framleis med hjartet og dei er framleis unge… tilogmed litt barnlege.. Ho Elisabeth sa det med verdig mine og rak rygg: ‘Det er så godt å se at de eldre er med, da blir det så riktig liksom’….

Vi er saman
på vandringa
i ‘eit uoverskuelig pilegrimstog’
vi glèr oss når mørket flyr
for lyset blant oss bor’…
midt oppi all elende
som snik seg innover oss
Gamle eller unge
kva betyr no det….

Advent waiting together with the Nobility

Christmas caroling at the home of the elderly

The village choir – this year like last year – ‘is singing Christmas carols for the old folks.

Kort 2

The village choir – this year like every year – is singing Christmas carols for the old folks. As we stood there singing ‘Oh come, let us follow the star up high’, I was pondering over who ‘the old folks’ are…. I counted eleven old choir singers. Not too long ago they stood beside me in the choir…beautiful voices and their song came from their hearts,  out of joy of singing.  Here they sang together with us and they were still singing from their heart, and they still are young… even a little childlike.. Not too long ago they stood beside me in the choir…beautiful voices and their song came from their hearts, from the joy of singing. Not too long ago they stood beside me in the choir…beautiful voices and their song came from their hearts, from the joy of singing. As Elizabeth so dignified and standing tall put it: ‘It is so good to see that the elderly are with, it is so much more solemn then, and right’….

We are together
on the wandering
in a ‘never-ending row of pilgrims»
and we rejoice in ‘…..the darkness fly
for the light that is amongst us…..’
that sneak onto us…
in the middle of all the misery
sneaking up on us

Old or young ones
does it really matter ….

Waiting in Advent ….. with some thoughts …..

20151203_021630The Day is turning into night
light after light is being switched off

soon it is going to sleep
– the village
But … look …  every house has got a shining star
over the roof
just like in the carol 
….a good night they need
after all their work in the day
and before important work tomorrow
some titanic work 
like building a tower to heaven
and some
quite down to earth…

All important in the big picture

‘Advent wait’ thoughts in the fog

December the first….

Abstrakt Drop(LR) kopiFrom when I was a little child I had a special feeling for ‘December the first’ , it was the Christmas month!
Here today it is not much that reminds of the December with the ingredients from childhood winter:
White angles, frozen river and snow clad evergreen forests.
A dense fog is heavily hanging on the mountain sides,
sleet showers and some wet snowflakes in-between…
until it gathers in heavy drops of water  
You can see so far when it is foggy.
The mountains do not block the view
we are able to look ahead all that is heavy for our mind
and everything that gives us joy

12247046_1647886068792861_4322568263964068131_nThe sun’s warm beams
from last summer fall onto our face
with their cleansing miracle
Oh you wide world
how beautiful the fog is