Kategoriarkiv: Pilgrimage news @en

Warm evening sun….

Through the Pilgrimage path

An evenung walk on the pilgrimage path…. wondrous nature never seasing to surprise….. always giving new energy, again and again….. Our only duty is to come to meeting with it and walk….

Lage stiI went for a walk on the path
it was quiet around me
some places stony
moss carpet in-between
the path turn around a stump
careful… so you don’t stumble over a root..
The small miracle is happening:
The stiff knee was getting softer
The spine as well
it didn’t ache like before
I started walking

…and the birds could not stop singing...

Welcome to test the Pilgrimage path!

Red ribbons through the forests!

StjernesolFour point four kilometre path is winding its way through the area called Målsnes forests…….
The path is good for your foot to thread on. Quite a lot of trees were in the way and had to be cut down. Stumblestones are made into steps to make it easy to ‘climb’ the hilly sections. The path is marked with red ribbons and the Pilgrimage Balestrand symbol. It lies there for you to walk on!
Any path in the nature has to be waked on to make it good. Our Pilgrimage path will be better and better the more people walk on it. ‘Rome was not built in one day’… so is the case with our path as well. But Nature around is perfect! Come to Balestrand and become a Pilgrim!

20130329_161955When you visit Balestrand, and want to try this Pilgrimage, you can either ask in The Tourist Information for help to find us. The Golden House, our gallery and Pilgrim centre, is right around the corner….
This first Summer we will arrange for guided Pilgimages for groups on requests. We will take you to the medieval church on the Kvamsoy island.

You are welcome to pay a visit to our home site





Thoughts in the rain

The wondrous drops

blomsterjente(LR)A rainy day like this… thinking back to childhood Summer’s days. They were always filled with sunshine! ‘When Summer was sun’ is the title of one of my paintings; memories from Summer’s flower fields, blueberry tours! Rainy weather did not belong to life in those days, they were not in the calculation. Yet, they were there! They contained small drops that filled the holes in the sand  on the road. We played with them; we jumped into the middle of them; O, you joy of childhood! We all have got our summers’ memories….filled by drops….


The small miracle

in every single drop
When sun beams come
the drop shines with silver
with a ring of gold
and in the middle
lies the source of all the colours
Think of red
and you se roses
Think of blue
you’ll see the ocean
Think of yellow
there come the buttercup
Think of green
the grass is growing
Think of lilla
and tones come to you
In the drop lies within…
all the colours
for life

Pilgrimage Balestrand 29th July 2014


It is a great honour for us, as the founders of pilgrimage Balestrand, to invite you to the very first Pilgrimage wandering, Olsok 2014! (‘Olsok’ is the old mass day for St. Olav, our patron saint from the catholic time. Many of these saints’s mass days we still celebrate.)
This is an historical event, and we hope that you and many with you will participate! 


28th July: Arrival to Balestrand

In the evening: Meeting with film, film og informasjon



29. juli
Pilegrimsvandring til Kvamsøy
Pilegrimsgudsteneste i Kvamsøy kyrkje
Avduking av ‘skulpturen ‘Børtreet’ og signing av Børtrehuset

30. juli
Pilegrimsvandring til Tjuatoten
Alt. opplegg for dei som ynskjer ei mindre utfordrande løype


Krossen på platået
Krossen på platået


You are free to choose to participate in the main Pilgrimage to Kvamsøy.

Practical information about lodging:

Balestrand has many possibilities to choose among.
Here is an oversite of the different alternatives:

Link to www.sjotun.com
Sjøtun camping is in walking distance from the express boat quay.

Link to www.booking.com/DragsvikFjordhotel
Dragsvik Fjordhotell is beautifully situated at the  Sognefjord about 8 kilometre from Balestrand centre

Link til www.booking.com/MidtnesHotel
Midtnes is a family run hotel with rich traditions, 5 minute’s walk from the centre.
Midtnes hotell has given this special offer for pilgrims:
[toggle title_open=»Close Me» title_closed=»Open Me» hide=»yes» border=»yes» style=»default» excerpt_length=»0″ read_more_text=»Read More» read_less_text=»Read Less» include_excerpt_html=»no»]Prices given pr. person:
Overnight stay in double room 2 nights
Included breakfast and lunch pack…………..NKr 1050,-
Addition for room with a balcony…………… NKr 200,-
Overnight stay in double room 3 nights
Included breakfast and lunch pack…………..NKr 1550,-
Addition for room with a balcony…………… NKr 300,-
Extra for single room per night pr. natt ….. NKr 200,-
Dinner after ordering in the reception:
Price NKr 295,- pr pers. Is served at 19:00[/toggle]

Link til  www.kviknes.no/
Kviknes is among the Historical hotels of Norway
and is beautifully situated at the water fron of Balestrand centre.
Contact them for a special offer.

20131027_131721ENLISTING before 10th July
Pilegrimsvandring Balestrand
Bjørg Frøisok Bjøberg
Fjærestad 44
6899 Balestrand
Mob.: 915 62 842
e-mail:  bjoergfb@online.no

With a kind reward from Bjørg og Arthur:
Here they pose in the Viking Oak… The thousand Year Oak…. one of the attractions at the PIlgreimage path.


Inner strength

Move mountains

The help of sherpas would have been great here!
Parts of the path have been callenging, indeed; some places the only possible trasee has been too steep to climb! I thought to myself; I had read about sherpas in ta neighbour village; If we only could have got them here. So I  thought loudly, and Jørgen got a glint in his eye and a smile on his cheeks……did not say anything……..
Next time I went for a ‘pilgrimage wandering’ on the path, I became quite emotional; There was the stone stairs… and another one with solid steps to take you up to the top……
Oh, that magical man… with his helpers! Now also a sherpa! No problem! Here they are, four strong and cunning lads: Jørgen, Erik, Arthur and Yngvar, who in each their way do a great contribution for the PATH! They saw trees, clear away the branches, tidy up and find good bends to make it better for the foot to tread…. 


Inner strength

If you have
ice in your belly
fire in your heart
an aware eye
and sharp sight
If you also have got
clear mind
a fluent toungue
and reward yourself
some quietness for thinking
Then you can
move the mountain


Steinarbeid 2

With every great work
you have to start small
If you’ll climb a ladder
you first enter
the lowest step






Click  ‘Open me’ then you’ll fint the ‘Programme for The first Pilgrimage in Balestrand…

[toggle title_open=»Close Me» title_closed=»Open Me» hide=»yes» border=»yes» style=»default» excerpt_length=»0″ read_more_text=»Read More» read_less_text=»Read Less» include_excerpt_html=»no»]Program

28th July: Arrival in Balestrand
In the evening: An assembling meeting with information, film and some coffee/tea and cakes

29th July
Pilgrimage to Kvamsøy
Pilgrim Service in Kvamsøy medieval church
Unveiling the sculpture ‘Worry tree’’…signing of the Worry Tree chapel

30th July
Pilgrimage to Tjugatoten mountain 1098 m
Alternative for those who want an easier route

Leaving Balestrand … or stay some more days on your own![/toggle]

Pilgrim path with great sights

Some small rain drops greeted us on the road…

Ingvar og Arthur i kvar sin skulptur…they were not followed by so many others….. warm weather… Now was the day and time for survey and some meditation on the pilgrim path! They have been clearing and together with Jørgen investigated about where the best trace would be …… Today Ingvar and Arthur were to show me the work the three of them had done. I could feel they were anxious and eager to hear my opinion. …..
IT IS GOOD!… The path turns around stones, creeps upwards on lingon clad slopes, twines around antiquated pine trees. Next the path climbs uphill on rounded big stones covered by moss and lichen…. soft and meak under your shoes….stones like memorial monuments give thoughts about those who were wandering underneath  the same tree crowns as we are…. and saw the same fjord as we do. A small rippling brook gave accompaniment to my thoughts … it made me sing inside .. We have just been celebrating that our Constitution is 200 years.. in a service in the church, and the choir sang ‘Old Norway, up north, is the land of our heritage’ … with this in mind I become solemn and respectful to the nature where we are allowed to be pilgrims …..

KvilesteinSome stones are boundary markers
that tell about the farm’s history
Some stones are brick stones
for stones walls around a field
Other  stones are in the brook
and have got rounded shapes
Hus for einkvan?from joyful play with water
Then there are the old roadside guard stones
like lace edge
at the road

Then tere is the stone you cannot

It is high or small 
knotted or smooth
rounded or flat
and you can not
be wrong when you see this one

It is the resting stone
for your lunchpack
or your meditation

To move boundaries


Merkesteinar har ein heilt spesielt definert funksjon (nedst på sida:’open me’). I denne samanhengen legger vi eit meir symbolsk innhald… ein stein som står for ei anna tid, å overskride ei grense i ditt eige sinn ….. ein overgang til ein annan sinnstilstand. Å gje seg ut på ein pilegrimssti…du går for rekreasjon, naturoppleving, finne deg sjølv, finne di eiga stemme, finne din plass i tilveret…. Vi har så mange grunnar for å gå… Vårt ønske er at alle som går, får ei oppleving av spesiell verdi.  

talar til oss
med mange stemmer
frå vår eiga fortid
gjer oss glade
triste eller vemodige
Av fortida
skapar vi framtida
i dag …

Rammeprogram for Olsokvandringa i Balestrand
28. juli:
Du kjem til Balestrand og vi invitere til ei samkome med informasjon, film og musikkinnslag.
Kaffe/ te/ noko å bite ti
29. juli:
Pilegrimsvandring til Kvamsøy
Pilegrimsgudsteneste i Kvamsøy middelalderkyrkje
Avduking av skulpturen ‘Børtreet’ og signing av Børtrehuset
30. juli:
Pilegerimsvandring til Tjuatoten
Samlingsstund ved steinkrossen på topplatået 1098 moh
Denne turen er for deg som likar å bryne deg på utfordrande terreng.
Vi vil arrangere alternativ oppleving for deg som ikkje vil utfordre høgdene.

[toggle title_open=»Close Me» title_closed=»Open Me» hide=»yes» border=»yes» style=»default» excerpt_length=»0″ read_more_text=»Read More» read_less_text=»Read Less» include_excerpt_html=»no»]Merkestein er en stein som ligger i eiendomsgrensen, og viser hvor grensen går. Navnet kommer av eldre ord for markskille, dvs. grenser i marka.

Ofte er steinene lagt som siktstrekninger, og i hjørner av grensen. Helt fra de eldste norske lovene har vi strenge forbud og straffer mot å flytte merkesteiner uten at eieren ga lov til det. Merkesteiner kan ha en særegen form, og/eller ha figurmerker formet av streker malt på og/eller hogd inn i steinene. I nyere tid kan det være bolter satt i stein for å markere et målepunkt som er angitt i et målebrev for eiendommen. Merkesteiner er ofte særskilt omtalt og listet opp i eldre grensebeskrivelser for eiendommer i forbindelse med deling og utskilling av eiendommer fra et hovedbøle.[/toggle]

Pilgrim amongst Sculptures of Nature

Pine forest with a soul

The pine barrens from my childhood villige … for me is connected to mysticism. It was early autumns on Saturdays. We (Mum!) made lunch pack with warm chocolate in a thermos bottle. The adults brought with them coffee … it smelled deliciously but tasted horrible! It did not look like much berries, though…. . rather sparse. But when I sit down and look underneath the green shiny lingon leaves, I find cluster with plenty of these delicious dark red berries ‘tyttebaer’. The colour play between the leaves and the berries… the reindeer moss and the pine trunks…  is still with me… I got like a lunch pack for the life’s journey. What a treasure! And what a lovely evening … coming home to make ‘trollkrem’ (dessert with mountain cranberries, eggwhites and sugar)… silently listening to the ‘Children’s hour’ from the radio… What a richness…

A good while

is the time
you spent well
The time you spent on
and put words
to the thoughts
together with friends
or alone
Thoughts about life
well lived
and life tomorrow
Take time
for quality whiles


Knowledge og life

Art of living
is to ask
the important
of life
And accept
thar some
don’t come with
an answer


 In wondering and expectation
we start
Thouhts come
whilst walking
In everu step
lie big
mysteries hidden
the goal is

new wondering
at new wandering

The forest at the pilgrim path will give experiences to remember! Different trees, the woodland floor varies from rather stony terrain ….soft moss carpet to a ground with less plants, especially where the needle trees with more shadows …. You’ll find yourself surrounded by different kinds of warm demanding leaf trees, and the old fur trees are just exquisitePlease, come and see for yourself and experience nature from the Big Creator… Blessing for body and soul…the gift of being part of the nature and all it’s healing powers…

The first Pilgrimage Balestrand:
Olsokday July 29th 2014

Please, mark the days 28.-31. July… to take part in the whole arrangement
More information soon.

Follow the updated information on the home page www.detgylnehus.no
Every new addition to ‘Pilgrimage news’ blogg will be announced via my Facebook profile: Bjørg Frøisok Bjøberg.
Please contact me if you want any further information.
Mob.: 0047 91562842
e-mail: bjoergfb@online.no

I will also invite you to be my friend on Facebook …

[toggle title_open=»Close Me» title_closed=»Open Me» hide=»yes» border=»yes» style=»default» excerpt_length=»0″ read_more_text=»Read More» read_less_text=»Read Less» include_excerpt_html=»no»]I geometrien lærte vi om trekantar og firkantar, kuleform og kjegleform. Desse var enkle å finne ut av. Så var det den meir avanserte formen: mangekantar, dei var ikkje greie!…. I nåleskogen har vi gran og furu. Grana er den enkle. Men furua derimot… berre høyr dette sitatet: ‘Inntil førti meter høy nåletre; kronen til å begynne med kjegleformet med kransstilte grener, senere mangeformet; i lavlandet blir kronen avrundet, uregelmessig og med grove grener…’
Furua er interessant og spennande! Ho går ikkje etter faste reglar for vekst! Ho snor seg og snur seg etter ver og veksttilhøve. Og så duftar det så godt i furuskogen
Det vanligste byggematerialet for norske stavkirker var furu. Til grunnkonstruksjonen i stavkirkene benyttet man malmfuru som har hatt sein (tett) vekst og derfor har stor malmandel (andelkjerneved). Slike furutrær fantes først og fremst i høyereliggende strøk. Malmfuru er naturlig impregnert og meget varig, selv på værutsatte steder. Slikt trevirke ble derfor foretrukket til utsatte deler som staver, sviller, takspon og veggplanker (tiler).[/toggle]



Programme for Pilgrim Progress Balestrand July 29. 2014


28th July
Guests gradually arriving Balestrand and finding their lodging places

In the evening: Welcoming assembling with concert, film and information

29th July
Pilgrimage wandering to Kvamsøy
Pilgrimage service in Kvamsøy church
Seremony of Unveiling the sculpture ‘The Worry Tree’ and Blessing the ‘Worry Tree House’

30th July
Pilgrimage wandering to Tjuatoten mountain
Ceremony at The Old Stone Cross on the top plateau

Alternative arrangement for those who wish for a ‘lighter’ wandering

31th July
or longer stay in ‘the green lounge’ of Balestrand and surrounding areas

is the smallest island in Norway
with a church
It is dated from 1280
and is unique of its kind
The ‘naked’ but rich interior
gives a particular atmosphere

20131027_131550The thousand Year Oak
at Målsnes farm

close by the pilgrimage path
towards Kvamsøy
Under the wide tree crown
is the right surroundings
for a gathering
for meditation
and a short devotional

Krossen på platået

Tjuatoten 1089 m
with wide view to ‘seven kingdoms’
is the destination 
for a pilgrimage
to The Stone Cross
on the top plateau
and it rewards you
for the efforts
in the steep hills above the fjord

When you wish for more information or you want to enlist,

conact by e-mail: bjoergfb@online.no

or by post address: Pilegrimsvandring Balestrand
Bjørg F. Bjøberg, Fjærestad 44, 6899 Balestrand

or you may simply phone me.: oo47 915 62 842
We are looking foreward to hearing from you!

Balestrand have got several excellent possible lodgings
in the following ‘Pilgrimage news’ on our website we will give more practical information
So, please follow…..

A pilgrim is one who wanders in foreign land and terrain

We all wish to be part of a fellowship

A fellowship… a group of people working towards a joint goal… The goal is important for a good fellowship. All are equally important and worthful…… all can use their talents… and everybody gets support from everybody… Utopia?? We have to believe is is possible to have such a society!
Pilgrimage fellowships have grown many places in the world… in the latest years new paths have been cleard, old carriage roads have been discovered and got renewed value. Pilgrimage destinations that are far away from the certificated pilgrimages  are increasing here in Norway during the last 10 years. Kvamsøy island and its medieval church, the 1100 m high mountain Tjuatoten and The still water are among these.The closest we come is about 100 km away, to Lærdal in the eastern and Solund in the western direction. So here lies Balestrand in between these two places …. outside the pilgrimage tradition.
We are just in the beginning of creating a new tradition and piece by piece.. in some years we might have got a connected pilgrimage road from the very inner to the outer part of the longest fjord in the world.  We are on the starting point of creating a new tradition, and gradually we will see a joint ‘Pilgrimage Sognefjord’ from Lærdal in east to the most westerlny piont of Norway, Solund…. Then it is no fault to be ‘n the ‘midway’… with Kvamsøy church from 1280! It stands as a representative of thew mid agse’s tradition og pilgrimage!
The view are enormous, and so they have to be, in order to reach new goals in the distance. But now…to the path! taht we now make ready and even…. like a famour tortoise in Aesop’s fables: metre by metre after metre………

«Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.»

til vandringa

Men en liten tur
på stien
kan hjelpe med
å finne
den indre
frå djupet
frå sjela


Come with us on the first Pilgrimage wandering Balestrand
Olsokday July 
29th  2014

Put marks in your agenda for 28th-31st Juli for the whole arrangement
More information will come.

Keep an eye on the home page’s ‘Pilgrimage news’ !
Every new ‘Pilgrimage news’ will be announced through a link to my Facebook profile: Bjørg Frøisok Bjøberg.
Give me a hint if you want to get direct updates.
Tlf.: 91562842 e-mailt: bjoergfb@online.no
..We can be friends on facebook as well…

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Parallell verses from the Bible
Norsk (1930)
Hør! Det er en som roper: Rydd i ørkenen vei for Herren! Gjør i ødemarken en jevn vei for vår Gud!

Dansk (1917 / 1931)
I Ørkenen raaber en Røst: »Ban HERRENS Vej, jævn i det øde Land en Højvej for vor Gud!

Svenska (1917)
Hör, man ropar; »Bereden väg för HERREN i öknen, banen på hedmarken en jämn väg för vår Gud.

King James Bible
The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

English Revised Version
The voice of one that crieth, Prepare ye in the wilderness the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.[/toggle]